Terms And Conditions

Last Updated: October 1, 2024

Privacy Policy

Last Updated: October1, 2024

ATOLOANS, and its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively, “ATOLOANS,” “we,” “our,” or “us”) are committed to maintaining your confidence and trust as it relates to the privacy and security of your personal information. This Privacy Policy describes how we use, disclose, and protect the personal information collected:

• through our website, www.atoloans.com, and any other websites or mobile apps where this Privacy Policy is posted or linked (collectively, the “Digital Properties”) and any services available through the Digital Properties;
• in connection with the delivery of our products and services to our customers;
• in connection with our business development and marketing activities; and
• through our other offline and business interactions.

Collectively, we refer to our online and offline interactions with you as the “Services.” In this Privacy Policy, “personal information” means any information that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, to an individual. Please carefully review this Privacy Policy to learn more about our information handling and privacy practices. If you are a California resident, click here for more information about our privacy practices and your rights. For details regarding our handling of financial information and your choices with respect to such information, review our Financial Privacy Disclosure.


Depending on your use of the Services and how you otherwise interact with us, we may collect or obtain information from and about you in several ways, including: (1) directly from you; (2) automatically when you visit and interact with the Digital Properties; and (3) from third parties. Additional details regarding our collection of your personal information are included below.

Information provided by you
When you visit and interact with the Digital Properties or otherwise engage with us, we collect personal information that you share with us. For example, we may collect personal information when you contact us (via phone, email, etc.), request that we send you promotional communications or other materials, or otherwise communicate with us.

Depending on the context of your interactions with us and the Services, the categories of personal information that we may collect directly from you include:

• Contact information, including your name, street address, telephone number, and email address.
• Identifying information, including your ATOLOANS account name, Social Security number, date of birth, and other similar identifiers.
• Correspondence and communications, including recordings of our email and phone conversations with you and any correspondence related to providing you with the Services.
 Preferences, including how frequently you wish to receive marketing and promotional communications from us.
• Other information you choose to provide, including information you include in any webforms that you complete and submit on the Digital Properties and other information that you provide during your interactions with us.

Where applicable, we may indicate whether and why you must provide us with your personal information as well as the consequences of failing to do so. For example, it may be necessary for you to disclose certain personal information in order for us to provide the Services to you.

You may voluntarily provide certain information to us when you interact with an automated assistance chatbot on the Digital Properties, which our service provider enables on our behalf. Note that your conversations with any chatbot present on the Digital Properties may be monitored and recorded and any personal information you provide will be handled by us and our service provider in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Some personal information that we receive from you may relate to other individuals (e.g., co-borrowers). You are responsible for obtaining all necessary permissions to provide personal information relating to other individuals to us.

Information collected through automated means
When you visit and interact with the Digital Properties, we (and our service providers and partners) may use cookies, pixels, web beacons, software development kits (SDKs), and other similar tracking technologies to collect certain information automatically.

The specific types of information we (and our service providers and partners) may collect include:

● Device information, which includes the Internet Protocol (IP) address and/or other unique identifier(s) assigned to your device; the location of your device; and other information about your browser, device, and operating system.
● Usage information, which includes information about your interaction(s) with the Digital Properties (e.g., the date and time of your visit(s); the area(s) or page(s) that you visit; the amount of time you spend on a page or use the Digital Properties; the domain name from which you accessed the Digital Properties; and other click-stream or usage information).
We (and our service providers and partners) may use cookies or other similar technologies to collect information about your behavior on the Digital Properties (e.g., how you move and scroll through the Digital Properties, your keystrokes, how you interact with webforms, etc.) and the actions that you take upon receipt of an email from us.

We use third-party analytics and tracking tools to better understand who is using the Digital Properties, how the Digital Properties are used, and how to improve the effectiveness of the Digital Properties and related content. We may also use the information collected to draw inferences. For example, we use Google Analytics to better understand how users interact with the Digital Properties. For information on Google Analytics’ information-handling practices and how you can control the use of information sent to Google, visit https://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites. If you wish to prevent your information from being used by Google Analytics, Google has developed the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on available at https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.

Interest-based advertising
We use third-party tools and services to serve interest-based advertisements to you across the internet. These tools may include cookies, pixels, web beacons, and/or other similar tracking technologies that automatically collect, store, and/or transmit certain information about your interaction(s) with the Digital Properties and other websites and mobile apps that you interact with and use across your devices. Our third-party service providers and partners use the collected information to serve advertisements to you and measure the performance of our advertising campaigns. To learn more about your interest-based advertising choices, see the “Your Choices” section below.

You may be able to adjust your device or browser settings to limit certain tracking or to decline cookies. Refer to your device’s settings or your browser’s “Help” section for more information on how to delete cookies and/or disable your device or browser from receiving cookies or adjust your tracking preferences. Additional information about cookies, including how to manage them, can be found here: https://allaboutcookies.org/.

Site recording technology
We use third-party site-visit recording technologies to memorialize visits to our Digital Properties. Scripts from these technologies are embedded on our Digital Properties and collect information when you interact with pages where the scripts are present. These technologies collect information such as page URL, mouse movements and clicks, information you input, snapshots of pages you visit, time spent on a page, date and time of various interactions with a page, and HTTP headers from your browser. By visiting our Digital Properties or using our Services, you acknowledge and agree to our use of such site recording technologies and the collection, maintenance, and use of information these technologies collect.

ChatBot Technology

We use chatbots on certain Digital Properties to help provide customer service and support, including through the use of a virtual assistant. A chatbot is a software application that mimics human conversations in text or voice interactions on our website. It enables the communication between a human and a machine, which can take the form of messages or voice commands. The chatbot is designed to work without the assistance of a human operator. It responds to questions posed to it in natural language as if it were a real person using a combination of pre-programmed scripts, machine learning, and generative artificial intelligence (“AI”). When asked a question, the chatbot will answer using the knowledge database that is currently available to it. If the conversation introduces a concept the chatbot is not programmed to understand, it will advise of its limitations. The chatbot functionality is limited to Atoloans customer service and support inquiries and may not be monitored in real time. If you use our chatbot service, we will collect and maintain any information you provide to us when using the chatbot. You are responsible for the information you share with the chatbot, and we strongly advise you not to input sensitive or personal information, such as financial or account details or other confidential information. We will also create and store a transcript of your chat interaction with us, which will be stored by our third-party service provider. We may use these transcripts and the information you provide for quality control, customer service, fraud prevention, and security.

Information collected from other sources

We may obtain your personal information from other sources, including, for example, credit bureaus, our service providers, our customers, lead generators, social media platforms, Network Partners (as defined below), and other partners.

The information that we receive from other sources may include contact information, demographic information, consumer credit reports, credit scores, credit history, and other consumer reports/credit information, financial information (e.g., information about an account and the terms, amount, usage, or disposition of a loan or other financial product received from a Network Partner), and internet or other electronic network activity information.

We use the personal information that we receive from other sources to help us maintain the accuracy of or supplement the information we collect; personalize your experience with the Services; conduct internal business analysis; and fulfill other business or commercial purposes described in this Privacy Policy.

Combination of information
We may combine personal information that we receive from and about you, including information you provide to us, information we automatically collect through the Digital Properties, and information we receive from third-party sources. Where applicable, we will use, disclose, and protect the combined information for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy.


We may use personal information we collect for the following purposes:

● Providing the Services, including to operate, maintain, support, and provide the Services.
● Communicating with you, including to contact you for administrative purposes (e.g., to provide the Services and information that you request or to respond to your comments and questions) or to send you important updates and communications about this Privacy Policy and/or other applicable terms and conditions.
● Sending you marketing and promotional communications, including emails about products or services that we think may interest you. Details on how to exercise your choices with respect to marketing and promotional communications from us can be found in the “Your Choices” section below.
● Personalizing the Services, including to tailor the content we may send or display to you and otherwise personalize your experience with us.
 Engaging in interest-based advertising, including to serve you interest-based advertising on the Digital Properties or on other online services across the devices you may use. Details on how to exercise your choices with respect to interest-based advertising can be found in the “Your Choices” section below.
 Conducting research and analytics to develop and improve the Services, including to analyze usage trends and preferences in order to improve the Services and to develop new products, services, and features.
● Maintaining security and preventing fraud, including to monitor and maintain the security of our systems and networks and to detect, prevent, investigate, and protect you, our business, and others from fraud, unauthorized transactions, and other unlawful or unsafe activity.
● Satisfying our legal obligations, including complying with applicable law and responding to lawful requests and communications from law enforcement authorities and other government officials.
 Supporting our business operations and business transactions, including to administer our general business and other related functions and to carry out sales or other business transactions.

We may also use your personal information as described to you at the point of information collection or with your consent. Additionally, we may use your personal information as we believe necessary or appropriate to protect our rights, privacy, safety, property, and/or those of others.


We may disclose each category of personal information we collect from and about you with the following categories of recipients:

● Our Affiliates and Subsidiaries. We disclose your personal information to other entities within our family of brands to fulfill any purpose described in this Privacy Policy.
● Network Partners. When you use the Services to submit a loan request, we disclose your personal information to lenders and other third parties in our network (collectively, “Network Partners”) as necessary to deliver the products and services that you requested. We may disclose your personal information to Network Partners to provide you with information about financial products and services that may interest you. Note that Network Partners that interact with you may use and/or retain your personal information whether or not you use their services and their handling of your personal information is subject to their privacy policies. Our Network Partner list may be updated from time to time, and we encourage you to review the list periodically to remain informed about with whom we share information.
● Financial Companies. We disclose your personal information to other financial companies with whom we engage in joint marketing efforts or who offer financial-related products or services that may be of interest to you.
 Our Business Partners. We disclose your personal information to other companies with whom we partner to provide the Services and carry out other activities described in this Privacy Policy.
● Our Service Providers. We disclose your personal information to third parties that provide business, professional, or technical support services to us and/or administer activities on our behalf.
● Our Analytics Providers. We disclose your personal information to parties that assist us in performing analytics and help us measure the effectiveness of the Services and our marketing and advertising efforts.
● Our Marketing and Advertising Partners. We disclose your personal information to our marketing and advertising partners, including social media networks, third-party advertising networks, and other parties that assist us in serving, measuring the performance of, and optimizing our advertisements.
● Governmental and Public Authorities. We disclose your personal information to government and public authorities as necessary or permitted by the laws of any jurisdiction in which we operate, including in response to a subpoena, court order, investigative demand, request for cooperation from a law enforcement agency, or similar request from a self-regulatory body or government agency.
● Relevant Third Parties in Connection with a Business Transaction. We may disclose or otherwise transfer your personal information to an acquirer, successor, or assignee as part of any merger, acquisition, debt financing, sale of assets, or similar transaction as well as in the event of any insolvency, bankruptcy, or receivership in which information is transferred to one or more third parties as one of our business assets.
● Other Parties. We may disclose your personal information to other parties as we believe necessary or appropriate either to: (1) comply with applicable law; (2) protect our operations and those of our affiliates and subsidiaries; (3) investigate and prevent against fraud and other illegal activity; (4) protect our rights, privacy, safety, property, and/or those of others; or (5) allow us to pursue available remedies or limit damages that we may sustain.
We may disclose your personal information for other reasons described at the time of information collection or prior to disclosing your information. Additionally, we may disclose your personal information with your consent or when you direct us to do so. We may de-identify, anonymize, or aggregate personal information and disclose such information to third parties for various purposes as permitted by law.


We respect your privacy and provide you with the ability to make certain choices about how we use your personal information, as described below.

• Financial Information: For details regarding our handling of financial information and your choices with respect to such information, review our Financial Privacy Disclosure.

• Marketing and Promotional Communications: You can opt out of receiving marketing and promotional communications from us or manage your preferences at any time through your Atoloans profile or by visiting https://www.Atoloans.com/publications. You may be able to opt out of receiving marketing and promotional communications from us by following the instructions included in any such communication that you receive from us. Note that even if you opt out of receiving marketing and promotional communications from us, you will still receive non-marketing or transactional messages from us, including messages about your account and responses to your inquiries/requests.
• Cookies: As noted above, we (and our third-party providers and partners) use cookies on the Digital Properties for various purposes, including for analytics and interest-based advertising purposes. You may be able to adjust your device or browser settings to limit certain tracking or to decline cookies. Refer to your device’s settings or your browser’s “Help” section for more information on how to delete cookies and/or disable your device or browser from receiving cookies or adjust your tracking preferences. Additional information about cookies, including how to manage and delete them, can be found here: https://allaboutcookies.org/.
 Interest-Based Advertising: We use services provided by Google, Meta, TikTok, and other companies that use tracking technologies to collect from you and across your devices information about your online activities, preferences, and interactions with websites. These services are used to serve targeted advertising to you and to measure performance of our advertising campaigns. For example, these services enable us to retarget you with advertisements based on what you have viewed or engaged with on our Digital Properties while you are using platforms provided by Google, Meta, or TikTok and to measure when you have clicked through to our Digital Properties after seeing an advertisement on those or other platforms. Some websites/platforms and mobile devices allow you to exercise certain choices with respect to interest-based advertising, as described below.
       o Web browsers: You may be able to opt out of receiving interest-based advertising using the browser opt-out tools and consumer choice mechanisms provided by interest-based advertising self-regulatory groups by following the links below:
            ▪ Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA): https://optout.aboutads.info/?c=2&lang=EN
            ▪ Network Advertising Alliance (NAI): https://optout.networkadvertising.org/?c=1
Note that you will need to opt out separately on all of your browsers and devices, as each opt-out will apply only to the specific browser or device from which you opt out. If you delete or reset your cookies, change browsers, or use a different device, any opt-out cookie may no longer work and you will have to opt out again.
       o Mobile devices: You have the ability to control whether you see interest-based advertisements on your mobile device in the following ways:
            ▪ Device Settings: Your device operating system may provide mechanisms that allow you to opt in or opt out of the use of information about your usage of mobile apps to deliver interest-based advertising to your mobile device. For more information, consult your device settings.
            ▪ AppChoices Tool: The DAA offers a tool for opting out of the collection of cross-app information on a mobile device for interest-based advertising. To exercise your choices with respect to participating companies, you may download the AppChoices tool available here: https://youradchoices.com/appchoices.
        o Other choices: The advertising partners that we have listed below may provide you with additional choices with respect to interest-based advertising, including the ability to control your advertising preferences directly through their services. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of the third-party services you use for more information regarding your choices.
            ▪ Google: https://adssettings.google.com
            ▪ Meta/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/about/ads
            ▪ TikTok: https://support.tiktok.com/en/account-and-privacy
            ▪ Twitter: https://twitter.com/settings/account/personalization
• Access and Correct Personal Information: Depending on how you have engaged with us and the Services, as well as your state of residence, you may be able to request access to and/or correction of certain personal information that we maintain relating to you. You may also be able to access and correct certain personal information by logging in to the Digital Properties. If you have submitted a loan request through the Services and would like to request access to or correction of certain personal information, contact us using the contact details below. Note that we will only respond to or take action in response to a request to access, correct, or delete personal information to the extent required by law.
        o Email: rob@Atoloans.com
        o Mail: Compliance Officer
        44 E. Front Street

        Watsonville, CA 95076


We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural measures designed to safeguard your personal information from unauthorized access and disclosure. However, no system can be completely secure. Therefore, although we take steps to secure your information, we cannot guarantee your information, searches, or other communications will always remain secure.


We will retain your personal information at least as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy, including to satisfy our legal or reporting requirements, unless a longer retention period is required or allowed under law. We reserve the right to retain your personal information to the extent allowed by applicable law. We also reserve the right to provide access to or delete personal information only to the extent required by applicable law

To determine the appropriate retention period for personal information, we consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of personal information; the potential risk from deletion, unauthorized use, or disclosure of the personal information; the purpose(s) for which we use or may use the personal information; whether we can achieve the purpose(s) through other means; and the applicable legal requirements.

If we de-identify information, we will maintain and use the information in de-identified form and not attempt to re-identify the information except as required or permitted by law.


The Digital Properties may contain features or links to websites and services provided by third parties, including social media widgets and plugins, which are not governed by this Privacy Policy. Any personal information you provide to the owner or operator of another website or a third-party service is provided directly to the owner or operator and is subject to its privacy policy, even if accessed through the Digital Properties. We encourage you to review all third parties’ privacy policies before providing them with your personal information.


The Services are not intended for or directed to individuals under the age of 18, and we do not knowingly collect personal information from individuals under the age of 18.


Our Digital Properties are designed to provide services in the United States and are governed by the laws of the United States. All Services may not be available in all U.S. states or territories. We make no representation that our Digital Properties are governed by or operated in accordance with the laws of any other nation or foreign jurisdiction.


We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our information handling and privacy practices and/or changes in applicable law. The “Last Updated” date at the top of this page indicates when this Privacy Policy was last revised. If we make changes, we will revise the date at the top of this page and, in the case of material changes, we will provide you with additional notice if required by applicable law. Unless otherwise stated, the current version of this Privacy Policy applies to all Digital Properties and all personal information under our control. We encourage you to review this Privacy Policy periodically to remain informed about our information handling and privacy practices. By visiting or using our Digital Properties, you agree that any changes to this Privacy Policy shall apply to any personal information we may maintain about you, whether collected before or after such changes.


If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy or our information handling and privacy practices, contact us using the following contact details:

• Email: rob@atoloans.com
• Phone: 1-831-420-8902
• Mail: Compliance Officer
44 E. Front Street

Watsonville, CA 95076


Security Policy


While no data transmission over the Internet or information storage technology can be guaranteed to be 100% secure, Atoloans understands your concerns with the safety of your personal information. The following is a summary of the measures Atoloans takes to protect your information and descriptions of ways we implement these measures for different types of information you may provide to us. Please see the Terms of Use Agreement and Privacy Policy for additional information, definitions and terms that govern this security section.

Secure Web Pages and Encryption

Transmissions between Atoloans, banks, lenders, loan brokers and real estate professionals (and affiliates) are encrypted using public key cryptography algorithms with a minimum key size of 128 bits.

SSL secures and prevents third parties from intercepting and reading your personal information; only we can decode the encryption. This technology requires a modern web browser such as Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera or Safari. You can verify that your communications with Atoloans are secure by checking for the key or lock icon on your browser.

Our website will log you out after a specified period of inactivity. This ensures your account security if you forget to logout from our website.

Firewall Protection

Firewalls are special purpose devices that protect and screen-out malicious attempts to access information and networks. Atoloans deploys Next Generation Firewalls to protect our resources and consumer data from internal and external threats.

Vulnerability Reporting

Atoloans recommends that security researchers share the details of any suspected vulnerabilities across any asset owned, controlled, or operated by Atoloans  (or that would reasonably impact the security of Atoloans and our users) using the web form below. The Atoloans Security team will acknowledge receipt of each vulnerability report, conduct a thorough investigation, and then take appropriate action for resolution.



Atoloans Vulnerability Disclosure Policy

Vulnerability Disclosure Philosophy

Atoloans believes effective disclosure of security vulnerabilities requires mutual trust, respect, transparency and common good between Atoloans and Security Researchers. Together, our vigilant expertise promotes the continued security and privacy of Atoloans customers, products, and services.

Security Researchers

Atoloans accepts vulnerability reports from all sources such as independent security researchers, industry partners, vendors, customers and consultants. Atoloans defines a security vulnerability as an unintended weakness or exposure that could be used to compromise the integrity, availability or confidentiality of our products and services.


This policy applies to any digital assets owned, operated, or maintained by Atoloans, including public facing websites.

Our Commitment to Researchers

·       Trust. We maintain trust and confidentiality in our professional exchanges with security researchers.

·       Respect. We treat all researchers with respect and recognize your contribution for keeping our customers safe and secure.

·       Transparency. We will work with you to validate and remediate reported vulnerabilities in accordance with our commitment to security and privacy.

·       Common Good. We investigate and remediate issues in a manner consistent with protecting the safety and security of those potentially affected by a reported vulnerability.

What We Ask of Researchers

·       Trust. We request that you communicate about potential vulnerabilities in a responsible manner, providing sufficient time and information for our team to validate and address potential issues.

·       Respect. We request that researchers make every effort to avoid privacy violations, degradation of user experience, disruption to production systems, and destruction of data during security testing.

·       Transparency. We request that researchers provide the technical details and background necessary for our team to identify and validate reported issues, using the form below.

·       Common Good. We request that researchers act for the common good, protecting user privacy and security by refraining from publicly disclosing unverified vulnerabilities until our team has had time to validate and address reported issues.

Vulnerability Reporting

Atoloans recommends that security researchers share the details of any suspected vulnerabilities across any asset owned, controlled, or operated by Atoloans (or that would reasonably impact the security of Atoloans and our users) using the web form below. The Atoloans Security team will acknowledge receipt of each vulnerability report, conduct a thorough investigation, and then take appropriate action for resolution.


Terms of Use Agreement

Last Updated: April 02, 2024

Terms of Use Agreement

You are visiting a website owned by Atoloans, LLC. This Terms of Use Agreement (“Agreement”) applies to all websites owned or operated by Atoloans, LLC, and its affiliates and subsidiaries (“Websites” or each individually “Website”) on which this Agreement or a link thereto is displayed. This Agreement also applies to your use of any goods, facilities, or services offered through the Websites (collectively “Services”), regardless of where or how they are accessed, including but not limited to via a desktop computer or mobile device. It is important that you read the entire Agreement carefully as some provisions affect your legal rights. The Agreement includes an agreement to resolve any disputes between you and us through binding arbitration, a class action waiver, as well as other important disclaimers, warranties, and limitations on liability.

By accessing, browsing, or using the Websites, you acknowledge that you have read, fully understand, and agree to the terms of this Agreement, as well as our Privacy Policy, which is incorporated into this Agreement by reference, as well as any other policy, agreement, or terms incorporated into this Agreement by reference as outlined below.

For purposes of this Agreement:

·       “You” or “your” means the person(s) using the Websites and/or Services, and any person(s) for whom such person(s) are acting as an agent with respect to the Websites and/or Services.

·       “Atoloans,” “us,” “our,” or “we” includes Atoloans, LLC, and any of its affiliates or subsidiaries.

·       “Provider(s)” includes, but may not be limited to, banks, lenders, financial institutions, insurers, service providers, real estate companies, dealers, agents, brokers, and other entities that partner with Atoloans and offer, solicit, arrange, or broker products or services through the Websites.

·       “Qualification Form” refers to your request to be matched with one or more Providers of any of the products and services that you may be inquiring into through Atoloan’s Websites.

We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to change or modify the Websites or this Agreement (or any portion thereof) at any time. Such changes and modifications become effective immediately upon posting on the Websites. You agree to review this Agreement for any such change upon your use of the Websites and that your continued use of the Websites or Services constitutes your acceptance of such changes and modifications. The Websites and Services are intended for individuals at least 18 years old and accessing the internet from a physical location within the United States. By using or accessing the Websites or Services, you acknowledge that you are at least 18 years old and accessing the internet from a physical location within the United States.

Some Services are subject to additional terms and conditions we make available to you in connection with the same, which may include usage policies and eligibility requirements, such as certain age or geographic restrictions (collectively, “Additional Terms”). By using our Services, you agree to and are bound by any such Additional Terms, and such Additional Terms are incorporated herein and made a part hereof by this reference. To the extent any Additional Terms conflict with this Agreement, the Additional Terms shall control for that specific instance of conflict.

Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy, incorporated into this Agreement by reference, explains how we use, disclose, and protect your information as part of our Services and technology platforms. If you are a California resident, our California Privacy Notice, which supplements our Privacy Policy and is incorporated into this Agreement by reference, also applies to your use of our Websites and Services.

As outlined in our Privacy Policy, by providing us with personal information as part of your use of our Websites or Services, you agree that we may retain all such information for the purposes and uses listed and that we may share your information with certain affiliates, non-affiliates, and other third parties. You acknowledge that certain state and federal laws may require us to securely store and maintain information you provide and that such information may not be able to be deleted, removed, purged, or destroyed until the expiration of certain prescribed retention periods or at all.

As a licensed entity, Atoloans is periodically examined by government regulators and as such is required to maintain certain personal information to adhere to and demonstrate compliance with certain laws and regulations. After you are matched with a Provider, your information may also be obtained from Providers to adhere to and demonstrate compliance with various regulatory reporting and record retention requirements. You authorize Atoloans and its participating Providers to share such information as required. To the extent permitted by applicable law, you also agree and acknowledge that Providers may be required to share information you submit to them with Atoloans in order to adhere to applicable laws, and Providers and Atoloans may maintain and share information provided by you and about you by third parties for internal marketing and analytics.

Consumer Information Security Policy

Our Consumer Information Security Policy, incorporated into this Agreement by reference, explains measures we take to protect your information and describes ways we implement those measures for different types of information you may provide to us.

Electronic Communications/Notices and Information Delivered Electronically

Our Consent Agreement for Electronic Disclosures and Communications, incorporated into this Agreement by reference, explains your agreement to receive all current and future notices, disclosures, and other communications electronically, and to do business with us and our Providers electronically.

Ownership Rights

All text, graphics, photographs, videos, sound, trademarks, logos, artwork, interfaces, data, and computer code, including but not limited to the design, coordination, “look and feel,” and arrangement of elements contained on the Websites (collectively “Content”) is owned or licensed by or to Atoloans. The Content is protected by trademark, copyright, and patent laws, and other intellectual property rights and unfair competition laws. Except as expressly stated herein, no part of the Websites, Content, or Services may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, publicly displayed, encoded, aggregated, indexed, transmitted, distributed, or otherwise exploited in any way, including through the use of framing, scraping, webcrawlers, spidering, or any other automated means, or for any commercial purpose or enterprise, without Atoloan’s prior express written permission. Nothing on the Websites or Services should be construed as granting any license or right to use any Content. Atoloans reserves any and all rights in and to Websites, Content, and Services not expressly granted to you under this Agreement. You further agree to abide by any and all exclusionary protocols (e.g., Robot.txt, Automated Content Access Protocol (ACAP), etc.) that may be used in connection with the Websites, Content, or Services.

Code of Content

You are solely responsible for your conduct in connection with the Services.

You must not:

1.         Alter, delete, or conceal any copyright, trademark, service mark, or other notice contained on the Websites, Content, and/or Services, and/or modify, reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble any part of the same, whether in whole or in part, or create any derivative works from any part of the Websites, Content, and/or Services, or encourage, assist, or authorize any third party in doing so;

2.         Engage in or encourage conduct that (1) would violate any applicable law or violate or infringe upon any intellectual property, proprietary, privacy, moral, publicity, or other rights of ours or of any other third party; (2) affects adversely or reflects negatively on Atoloans, its affiliates, the Websites, Content, Services, our goodwill, name, or reputation or causes duress, distress, or discomfort to us or anyone else; and/or (3) discourages any person or entity from using all or any portion, features, or functions of the Websites, Content, or Services, or from advertising, linking, or becoming a Provider to us;

3.         modify, disrupt, impair, alter, or interfere with the use, features, function, operation, or maintenance of the Websites, Content, or Services or the rights, use, or enjoyment of the same by any other user;

4.         impersonate any person or entity or falsely state or otherwise represent your affiliation with a person or entity;

5.         solicit passwords or personally identifiable information for commercial or unlawful purposes from other users of the Websites, Content, or Services;

6.         access or use the Websites, Content, or Services or any element(s) thereof, in whole or in part, (1) to train any artificial intelligence and/or machine learning platforms, systems, applications, models, or algorithms (whether via the development or modification of a dataset, scraping, or reproducing content or data (or any caches or archives thereof), feature extraction methodologies or otherwise); or (2) in connection or combination with any data, information, content, and/or materials generated or developed by, with, or resulting from the use of any artificial intelligence and/or machine learning platforms, systems, applications, models, or algorithms, in each case, without the express, prior written consent of Atoloans (which may be withheld in Atoloan’s sole and absolute discretion);

7.         engage in spamming, flooding, or harvesting of email addresses or other personal information; and/or

8.         engage in or facilitate “spidering,” “screen scraping,” “phishing,” “database scraping,” “web site crawling,” “indexing,” “data extraction,” or any other similar activity on, through, or in connection with the Websites, Content, or Services for any purpose.

Ratings and Reviews and User-Generated Content

The terms of our Ratings & Reviews and User-Generated Content policy, incorporated into this Agreement by reference, outlines the terms that govern your conduct associated with any user-generated content posted to any Website or Atoloans-owned social media property and Atoloan’s customer ratings and reviews service.


We may use a chatbot on certain Websites to help provide customer service and support, including through the use of a virtual assistant (“Chatbot”). The Chatbot is designed to work without the assistance of a human operator. It responds to questions posed to it in natural language as if it were a real person using a combination of pre-programmed scripts, machine learning, and generative artificial intelligence (“AI”). When asked a question, the Chatbot will answer using the knowledge database that is currently available to it. If the conversation introduces a concept the chatbot is not programmed to understand, it will advise of its limitations. The Chabot functionality is limited to Atoloans customer service and support inquiries and may not be monitored in real time. By using the Chatbot, you agree that (1) your use of the Chatbot will be limited to Atoloans customer service and support inquiries, and (2) we may use transcripts of your interactions with the Chatbot and the information you provide to the Chabot for quality control, customer service, fraud prevention, and security.

You shall at all times exercise reasonable care in using the Chatbot, and shall use the Chatbot in strict accordance with (1) this Agreement, our Privacy Policy, the Ratings & Reviews and User-Generated Content policy, and any other applicable Additional Terms; (2) any usage policies made available by Atoloans, including those set forth under the Code of Conduct above; and (3) all applicable laws, rules, and regulations. You are responsible for the information you share with the Chatbot, and we strongly advise you not to input sensitive or personal information, such as financial or account details or other confidential information. By using the Chatbot, you agree not to input such sensitive or confidential information.

By using the Chatbot, you acknowledge that you are interacting with artificial intelligence. We continually work to improve the Chatbot to make it more accurate, reliable, safe, and beneficial, but given the probabilistic nature of machine learning and AI, use of the Chatbot may generate or result in inappropriate, inaccurate, or unreliable responses. You are solely responsible for evaluating any information, content, responses, or other output generated by or through the Chatbot (collectively, “Output”) and the accuracy thereof, including through independent human review of such Output. Without limiting the generality of the terms under Disclaimers and Liability below, we cannot and do not represent, warrant, or guarantee the accuracy, reliability, or suitability of any Output. You acknowledge and agree that Atoloans and the Atoloans Parties (as defined below) shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused by or resulting from your reliance on any Output or the content of your communications with the Chatbot. To the extent any Output contains information on any specific product, service, or partner, you acknowledge and understand that the Websites and Services (and as a result, the Chatbot) do not include all products, services, offers, issuers, or credit or service providers available in the marketplace. Additionally, products, services, and offers that may appear in any Output may be from companies from whom Atoloans receives compensation. Your use of the Chatbot constitutes your awareness and acknowledge of this compensation and the limitation of products, services, and offers displayed or presented on or via the Websites or Services. If you have any inquiries regarding your interaction with the Chatbot or any Output, please reach out to us at privacy@Atoloans.com.

Links to Third Party Websites

The Websites may contain links to websites maintained by non-affiliated third parties (“Third Party Sites”). Links to Third Party Sites are provided for your convenience and reference only. We do not operate or control in any respect any content, information, software, products, or services available on any Third Party Sites. Our inclusion of a link or reference to a Third Party Site does not constitute any endorsement or recommendation of the services or content available on the Third Party Site or any third party that is referenced on, owns, or operates the Third Party Site. Your use of any Third Party Site may be subject to other terms and conditions imposed by the third party maintaining that Third Party Site. When you leave the Websites, you agree that Atoloans is not responsible for the services, content, or information provided on the Third Party Site, including but not limited to its quality, accuracy, reliability, availability, or suitability. Nor is Atoloans responsible for any direct or indirect technical or system issue that may arise out of or relate in any way to your use of or access to third-party technologies or programs available through a Third Party Site.


Generally, widgets are tools that may be placed on websites that allow website visitors to access and view content on or from another website. Widgets published by Atoloans (“Widgets”) provide access to the Websites, Content, and Services from points outside the Websites. Widgets may be placed on third-party websites, including blogs and social media pages, and other similar platforms (to the extent permitted by such websites or platforms). Atoloans prohibits the placement of Widgets on websites, platforms, or devices that contain content that is sexual, violent, offensive, discriminatory, misleading, deceptive, or illegal in nature or that in any way promotes or encourages hatred, violence, discrimination, or illegal activities, or is otherwise inappropriate as determined by Atoloans in its sole discretion. You agree to use Widgets in a manner consistent with all applicable laws and solely for lawful purposes. You agree not to use Widgets for any other purpose, and nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to grant you any right, title, or interest in the Widgets, Websites, Content, Services, or Atoloans. Atoloans reserves the right to remove or demand the removal of any Widget and/or revoke your right to use any Widget, for any reason and for any amount of time.

By accessing and using any Widget (including copying any Widget html code), you agree to the following:

1.         You may only display the Widget on a website you own and operate and not in any other manner or in any other medium.

2.         You may not modify any Widget. Without limitation, you may not change any code provided by Atoloans, obscure or disable any element of any Widget, tag links to Atoloans from the Widget with a “nofollow” attribute, or otherwise prevent or discourage search engines from following or scoring link.

3.         Except for displaying the Widget, you agree not to make any representations, warranties (express or implied), or other statements concerning Atoloans or the Websites, Content, Services, or Providers.

4.         You may not display any Widget in any manner that implies affiliation with, or sponsorship or endorsement by, Atoloans.

5.         You must place the Widget on a page that is context-appropriate to the content of the Widget, and any reference to Atoloans or its products and services must be accurate. For example, you may place a Widget on a webpage that contains discussion of personal finance, mortgages, or residential real estate.

6.         You may not place a Widget on any site that:

a.          contains content that is in any way unlawful, harmful, obscene, offensive, harassing, hateful, discriminatory, or otherwise objectionable in Atoloan’s sole discretion;

b.         disparages Atoloans; the Websites, Content, or Services; or Providers or their products or services;

c.          infringes any Atoloans intellectual property or other rights; or

d.         violates any applicable law.

7.         You may not use data collected or otherwise obtained through Widgets, Websites, Content, or Services, whether directly or indirectly, for any unauthorized purpose, including but not limited to training any artificial intelligence and/or machine learning platforms, systems, applications, models, or algorithms (whether via the development or modification of a dataset, scraping, or reproducing content or data (or any caches or archives thereof), feature extraction methodologies or otherwise).

8.         Atoloans grants you a limited, non-transferable, non-assignable, non-exclusive, revocable right to (1) download and/or display a Widget solely in accordance with the terms of this Agreement; and (2) solely in connection with a Widget, display our logos, trademarks, trade names, and other content as displayed through the Widget. This Agreement does not grant you any right in any Atoloans code, content, logo, or trademark beyond the limited permission to display a Widget granted herein. In its sole discretion, Atoloans reserves the right at any time to change or modify Widgets or terminate or modify your permission to download or display Widgets. We may cease to return content from a Widget at any time in our sole discretion.

9.         You acknowledge and agree that Atoloans may crawl or otherwise monitor your website or utilize any other methods to detect and address unauthorized or improper use of Widgets, Websites, Content, or Services in order to verify compliance with this Agreement.

10.  Widgets and any information, software, and related services are provided “as is” and “as available” with no warranty of any kind. Atoloans expressly disclaims any warranties that may be expressed or implied by law regarding any Widget, including warranties of accuracy or non-infringement. Use of Widgets is at your own risk. Atoloans is not liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special, or consequential damages or other injury arising out of or in any way connected with the use of any Widget, whether resulting in whole or in part from breach of contract, tortious behavior, negligence, strict liability, or otherwise.

11.  Atoloans reserves the right to modify this Agreement in its sole discretion at any time without notice. You are responsible for regularly reviewing this Agreement, and your continued use of any Widget after the effective date of such changes constitutes your acceptance of, and agreement to, any such changes.

Disclaimers and Liability



You agree to defend (if requested by any Atoloans Party, as defined below), indemnify, and hold harmless Atoloans and its officers, directors, shareholders, predecessors, successors-in-interest, licensors, employees, agents, representatives, subsidiaries, and affiliates (“Atoloans Parties”), from and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities, expenses (including attorneys’ fees and costs), demands, and damages incurred by a Atoloans Party in connection with any claim by a third party arising out of or relating to: (1) your use of the Websites or Services; (2) your violation or alleged violation of the Agreement; (3) your violation or alleged violation of any applicable law; (4) your infringement or alleged infringement of any intellectual property or other right of any other person or entity; or (5) any dispute between you and a third party. You agree not to settle any such claim or matter without Atoloan’s prior written consent. The Atoloans Parties reserve the right, at their own expense, to assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter subject to indemnification by you, and you further agree that you will cooperate fully in the defense of any such claims.

Limitation on Damages


Dispute Resolution and Arbitration


You agree that no arbitration under this Agreement shall be joined to an arbitration involving any other party subject to this Agreement. Arbitration must be on an individual basis. You may not join or consolidate claims in arbitration or arbitrate any claims as a representative or member of a class or in a private attorney general capacity.

You agree that any dispute or disagreement regarding the enforceability, applicability, or interpretation of any provision of this Agreement, including the provisions regarding dispute resolution and arbitration, is a Dispute subject to the arbitration provisions herein and shall be resolved by an arbitrator.

You agree that any dispute or cause of action arising out of or related to the Websites, Services, or Content must be commenced within one year from the later of (1) when the dispute or cause of action accrued, or (2) when you should have known about or discovered the accrual of the dispute or cause of action through the exercise of reasonable diligence. If you do not commence a dispute or cause of action in accordance with these requirements, such cause of action is waived and permanently barred. You agree that any dispute or disagreement regarding whether your alleged dispute or cause of action is time-barred is a Dispute subject to the arbitration provisions herein and shall be resolved by an arbitrator.

Governing Law

This Agreement, and any disputes arising out of or related to this Agreement or the Websites, Services, or Content, is governed by the laws of the State of North Carolina without regard to any conflicts of laws provisions. If any matter proceeds in court, including post-arbitration confirmation proceedings, you agree to the exclusive personal jurisdiction by, and venue in, the state and federal courts located in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, and you waive any objection to such jurisdiction or venue.

Entire Agreement

This Agreement (including all referenced or incorporated policies, agreements, terms, and other provisions) constitutes the entire agreement between you and Atoloans and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous oral or written agreements or other communications between you and us with respect to the subject matter hereof. In the event of a conflict between the language or terms of this Agreement and the language or terms of any policy, agreement, or terms incorporated by reference, the latter incorporated terms shall control.

Enforceability and Severability

If any provision of this Agreement is be found to be unlawful, void, or unenforceable, you agree that such provision shall be given effect to the greatest extent possible, including that it be modified to the greatest extent possible to render it enforceable with respect to the dispute at issue and to reflect the intent of the Agreement to the greatest extent possible, and all remaining provisions and the Agreement as a whole shall remain in full force and effect.

Waiver Only in Writing

Atoloan’s failure to enforce any right or act with respect to any breach or alleged breach by you or others of the Agreement does not constitute a waiver of any right and will not limit Atoloan’s rights with respect to that breach or any subsequent breaches. No waiver by Atoloans of any of the provisions in the Agreement will be of any force or effect unless made in writing and signed by a duly authorized officer of Atoloans.

Opt-out Instructions

You may opt out of receiving calls, texts, and/or emails from Atoloans by: (1) emailing rob@atoloans.com and stating that you no longer wish to be contacted by Atoloans by phone and/or email; (2) calling 1-800-505-7916 and stating that you no longer wish to be contacted by Atoloans by phone and/or email; or (3) responding to any SMS, mobile, or text message you receive from Atoloans and stating you no longer wish to be contacted by Atoloans. If you would like a Provider, including any matched lender, to no longer contact you, please contact the Provider directly and notify the Provider that you no longer want to receive communications (calls and/or emails) from them. You agree that Atoloans is not responsible for a Provider’s failure to follow your or our instructions to cease communications with you. Note that if you complete a subsequent request for or inquiry about a financial product or service on the Websites, you may resume receipt of marketing calls or texts and will need to make a new opt-out request. You may update your preferred method of contact by calling 1-831-420-8902.

You may opt out of receiving marketing emails from Atoloans by: (1) utilizing the “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of emails; (2) emailing a request to be unsubscribed to rob@atoloans.com.

Terms Applicable to All Services

On the Websites, we provide educational and informational content and operate online marketplaces that enable consumers to comparison shop for various financial products and services offered by our network of Providers. We provide content and tools on our Websites that may allow you to develop or improve your financial education. We provide these materials for informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only. At no time are we providing or should you interpret us as providing legal, financial, insurance, investment, tax or estate planning, or medical advice. Atoloans is licensed as set forth in our Licenses and Disclosures, which is incorporated into this Agreement by reference.

Atoloans is not a lender or a creditor. Atoloans does not take credit applications; originate, service, or make loans or credit decisions; or issue commitments or lock-in agreements. Atoloan’s services are only administrative. Our Services allow you to comparison shop for various financial products and services, including mortgage loans, personal loans, credit cards, and insurance products. Completing or submitting a Qualification Form is a request to be matched with Providers of one or more particular financial products or services. When you submit a Qualification Form, Atoloans will attempt to match you with Providers offering products or services for which you may qualify or that may be of interest to you. You also agree that we may try to identify matches for similar or alternative products or services based on your request and information provided in your Qualification Form and that we may share you information with Providers of such similar or alternative products or services. For example, if you submit a request for a personal loan, in certain circumstances we may also try to identify matches for a home equity loan or line or credit or debt relief services if the information provided in your Qualification Form and resulting matches, or lack thereof, indicate such alternative products or services may be of interest to you.

Any Qualification Form or loan inquiry you submit is not an application for credit. Rather, it is an inquiry or request to be matched with Providers that may be able to present conditional loan offers to you, which offers are subject to change at any time, including at the point of application with the Provider, after verification of information you provided, as well as other conditions as solely determined by any Provider with whom you proceed. You are under no obligation to proceed with any Provider or conditional offer.

Submitting a Qualification Form does not guarantee that you will receive any conditional loan offers or loan approvals. Any conditional offer is based on information you provide when completing a Qualification Form and information in your credit file at that time. Submitting a Qualification Form may involve a soft credit inquiry that will not affect your credit score.

Providers, and not Atoloans, establish and maintain approval standards and determine the criteria necessary to receive both conditional offers and credit approvals. You should review each Provider’s terms and conditions to determine which offer works for you and your personal financial situation. We do not guarantee acceptance into any particular program or any specific terms or conditions with any Provider. We do not guarantee that you will be approved for credit or that upon approval you will qualify for advertised rates, fees, or other terms. We do not guarantee that rates or terms advertised or offered by Providers include the lowest or most favorable rates or terms available in the market. All rates, fees, and other terms are presented without guarantee and are subject to change at any time based on each Provider’s discretion.

Atoloans is paid a marketing lead generation fee by Providers for the goods, facilities, and services provided. Conditional offers that appear on the Websites are from companies from whom Atoloans receives compensation. In some cases, where disclosed, this compensation may impact how and where offers appear (such as the order). Your use of the Websites or Services constitutes your awareness and acknowledgement of this compensation arrangement and the potential impact it may have on presentation of offers or other products or services. We do not include all products, services, offers, issuers, or credit or service providers available in the marketplace.

You may have to complete an application with a Provider before the Provider will extend an unconditional offer to you. Proceeding with an application with a Provider may involve a hard credit pull. A Provider you select may require you to pay an application or other fee to cover the costs of an appraisal, credit report, or other items. You may be responsible for paying any and all closing costs associated with a loan (such as settlement services, loan processing, underwriting, or funding fees) as solely determined by the Provider, and not Atoloans. The Provider, and not Atoloans, will likewise determine the amount of any fees or costs and should provide information to you regarding the refundability of any fee or cost.

Services offered by Providers may only be made to residents of states where Providers are authorized to conduct business. A Provider’s participation in and offering of its products or services on the Websites does not necessarily constitute an offer by a Provider or Atoloans to provide services outside of their respective authorized jurisdictions. To the extent you seek or receive information from a Provider or Atoloans regarding any prospective product or service that would be outside the Providers’ or Atoloan’s authorized jurisdiction(s), that information is for informational purposes only. Providers and Atoloans shall have the right to discontinue, suspend, or terminate the offering of any product or service in any specific state through the Websites at any time, without prior notice.

Except as otherwise provided for your state, Atoloans is not an agent of you or any Provider. You should rely on your own judgment in deciding which available loan product, terms, and Provider best suits your personal financial situation. The Provider is solely responsible for its services to you, and you agree that Atoloans shall not be liable for any damages or costs of any type arising out of, or in any way connected with, your use of such services. You understand that Providers may retain your loan request information and any other information provided by Atoloans or received by them in the processing of your loan inquiry or request, whether or not you are qualified for or close a loan with them. In addition, Atoloans may receive personally identifiable information regarding the disposition of your application, loan, or account from the Provider in order to fulfill its regulatory requirements as well as for internal business purposes.

By beginning or completing a Qualification Form or otherwise entering or saving personal information with Atoloans, you represent that all information you provide or enter is true, accurate, current, and complete. You further acknowledge that you alone will use your account to access the Services. You agree to not sell, transform, or assign your account to anyone else. You agree to keep your login information confidential, to employ reasonable and appropriate safeguards to prevent unauthorized access to your account, and to not share your account credentials with any third party. You acknowledge that you are responsible for all activities that occur under your account. If you believe that your account is no longer secure, you agree to notify us immediately.

To help the government fight identity theft, the funding of terrorism, and money laundering activities, and to attempt to verify your identity, Atoloans and its Providers may obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who uses our Websites or Services and/or opens an account with us and Providers. Atoloans and its Providers may ask for your name, Social Security Number, address, telephone number, date of birth, and/or other important information including, but not limited to, information received from your credit file, that may allow us and Providers to properly identify you.

Terms Applicable to Atoloans Spring

By creating a Atoloans Spring (“Spring”) account (whether separately or in conjunction with submitting a Qualification Form or using another Service), as explained in the terms and conditions of creating a Spring account, you understand and agree that Atoloans may obtain your consumer report, credit report, credit profile, and other credit-related information from one or more credit reporting agencies. You understand and agree that we may use and analyze your information, including credit-related information obtained from a credit reporting agency, to do the following: (1) present you with an overview of your credit profile, including credit score and detailed information where available; (2) provide you with general information as well as information about financial products and services that may be of interest to you; (3) identify affiliate and non-affiliate Providers that may be able to provide services or information to you; and (4) conduct internal analytics, research, and development to improve our Services and customer experience. If you would like to deactivate or disable your Spring account, including any free credit score services, you may visit your Spring account profile or email a request to rob@Atoloans.com.

Terms Applicable to Loan Explorer and Rate Table Products

Atoloans’s Loan Explorer and Rate Tables allow you to view sample rates for various loan products, such as home purchase and personal loans, and contact Providers directly to inquire about their products and services without submitting a Qualification Form. You may see sample rates from multiple Providers, and there is no restriction on how many Providers you may contact.

Sample rates advertised on our Loan Explorer and Rate Tables are calculated using conditional loan offers Providers have made to consumers nationwide. Sample rates may not be available to all consumers, in all states, or in all loan amounts. Sample rates may be calculated based on criteria such as a certain loan amount, loan term, or self-identified credit score (e.g., credit score of 700 or greater). Sample rates do not constitute a guarantee, agreement, or commitment that you will be loaned funds or extended credit by any Provider. Rates and terms are subject to change at any time without notice based solely on Provider discretion. Our Loan Explorer and Rate Tables do include all products, services, offers, issuers, or credit or service providers available in the marketplace.

Terms Applicable to Mortgage Loan Request Services

Atoloans is a marketing lead generator and duly licensed mortgage broker in all fifty states and the District of Columbia as required by law, NMLS ID #1136. For a current list of applicable state licenses and disclosures, click Licenses and Disclosures or call for details. Atoloans does not take mortgage or loan applications as defined under applicable state laws, the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, the Truth In AtoloansAct, the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act, or other applicable federal law.

The Websites and Services related to Atoloans’s mortgage loan request services are available in connection with loans secured by real property located in the fifty states and the District of Columbia, unless otherwise specified. Providers may not offer all products in all jurisdictions.

Note that some mortgage request services may request Social Security Number (“SSN”) information as part of the Qualification Form. This is because certain Providers require SSN information to extend a conditional loan offer.

If you apply for or close a loan with a Provider, the Provider may require you to pay an application or other fee to cover the costs of an appraisal, credit report, or other items. The Provider may also require you to pay any and all closing costs associated with a loan (such as settlement services, loan processing, underwriting, funding fees, appraisals, title insurance premiums, and attorney or notary fees) as solely determined by the Provider and/or settlement service provider(s) you select, and not Atoloans. The Provider, and not Atoloans, will likewise determine the amount of any fees or costs and should provide information to you regarding the refundability of any fee or cost.

There is no guarantee that you will be matched with any specific Provider(s) making any specific offer(s). In certain circumstances, including based on the information provided in your Qualification Form and resulting matches, or lack thereof, we may continue to attempt to match you with a Provider for up to twenty-four hours after you submit your request, and we may contact you by telephone at the number you provided to attempt to match you with a Provider. If we are able to match you with a Provider that was not originally identified on your offers page on the Website, you agree that we may call or contact you to identify such Provider(s), and you may elect to be connected with such Provider(s) to learn more about products and services offered. Atoloans cannot and will not select a Provider or offer for you.

Terms Applicable to Realty Services

By submitting a Qualification Form for a home loan (whether purchase, refinance, or home equity), you authorize Atoloans to provide your information to its network of real estate companies, brokers, and agents (“Real Estate Companies”), in addition to Providers who offer home loan products and services. You understand that Real Estate Companies may contact you, whether by call, text, or email, to determine whether their services may be of interest to you.

Terms Applicable to Automobile Loan Request Services

Some Automobile Finance Providers may conduct a hard credit pull in order to provide firm offers of credit. If you submit a Qualification Form to request an automobile loan and qualify for the Dealer Referral Program, we may provide your information to one or more Providers or third-party marketing companies that participate in that program. The Dealer Referral Program allows you to get financing quotes from a dealership in your area. As of the date this Agreement was last updated, Internet Brands (Auto Credit Express, CarsDirect), Detroit Trading (Rydeshopper), and Auto Loan Options participate in the program. Program participants are subject to change at any time and are not guaranteed.

Terms Applicable to Commercial Loan Request Services

Atoloans’s commercial loan Websites and Services, including those Services available through SnapCap.com or the SnapCap brand, are designed for businesses and are not intended for individuals’ personal, family, or household use.

Terms Applicable to Student Loan Request Services

The Websites may be used to connect you with Providers that offer private student loan services, including student loan refinance. The proceeds of a student loan may be disbursed in the form of a check mailed directly to you, or if more than one person is listed as a borrower, guarantor, or cosignor on a student loan, the person with the stronger credit profile based on the Provider’s discretion. Student loan terms vary and are based on the credit profile(s) of the borrower and/or cosignor (where applicable) as well as other underwriting criteria determined solely by the Provider. Providers have the right to accept or reject a cosigner and/or lend an amount less than the amount requested. The proceeds of a student loan must be used for educational purposes.

By submitting a student loan request or inquiry through the Websites, you authorize Providers to verify the accuracy and authenticity of any information you provide to them, whether verification conducted internally by the Provider or with the assistance of a non-affiliated third party. Among other things, you authorize Providers to verify the following with respect to you or a cosignor (where applicable): (1) enrollment status with a school and/or other organization; (2) employment status, including by contacting an employer; and (3) income information. In all cases, Providers may disclose the fact that you are applying for credit from or with that Provider.

Terms Applicable to Insurance Request Services

Atoloans’s insurance-related request services may be offered through Atoloans’s subsidiary QuoteWizard.com, LLC, and/or its subsidiaries, including QW Insurance Solutions, LLC (collectively “QuoteWizard”). Neither Atoloans nor QuoteWizard is a licensed insurance agency or broker, and neither provide insurance quotes in accordance with Chapter 48.17 of the Revised Code of Washington or similar state statutes. We do not endorse or recommend any particular insurance provider or policy or provide any evaluation of insurance providers or their policies, and the information we provide is not intended to take the place of professional advice from a licensed insurance agent. We recommend that all consumers consult with a licensed insurance agent, broker, or other qualified professional before purchasing any insurance policy.

We do not sell insurance or bind coverage on our Websites. Instead, we provide a service to help Providers offer and sell insurance and other authorized products to you and other potential consumers who have visited a Website and submitted a request to receive insurance quotes or other insurance-related information from a Provider.

We make no representation or warranty as to (1) the qualify, safety, suitability, or legality of insurance-related products or services offered by any Provider; (2) the truth, accuracy, or completeness of Providers’ representations regarding such products; (3) the ability of specific Providers to offer or sell certain insurance-related products or services; or (4) your or potential consumers’ ability to pay for insurance-related products or services offered by Providers. We do not guarantee that any Provider to whom we may transmit your Qualification Form or other insurance-related request will contact you or agree to provide you with desired coverage.

If you use the Websites to submit a request for Medicare-related plans or information, a representative may contact you in order to confirm eligibility and connect you with an appropriate, individually licensed insurance agent from QuoteWizard and/or a Provider. QuoteWizard’s licensed agents may present you with rates and policies for Medicare-related plans via QuoteWizard’s partners and under the respective licenses for such entities. You may not be eligible for all products and services, and the issuing insurance company is solely responsible for determine eligibility in accordance with its underwriting guidelines and as permitted by applicable law. Policies and coverages may not be available in all states.


Ratings & Reviews and User-Generated Content

These Terms of Use – Ratings and Reviews and User-Generated Content govern your conduct associated with any user generated content posted to any Atoloans Website or social media property and the Customer Ratings and Review service offered by Atoloans (the “CRR Service”). To the extent of any conflict between Atoloans’s Privacy Policy and these Terms of Use, these Terms of Use shall control with respect to the CRR Service and user generated content.

By submitting any content to Atoloans, you represent and warrant that:

·       you are the sole author and owner of the intellectual property rights thereto;

·       all “moral rights” that you may have in such content have been voluntarily waived by you;

·       all content that you post is accurate;

·       you are at least 13 years old; and that

·       use of the content you supply does not violate these Terms of Use and will not cause injury to any person or entity.

You further agree and warrant that you shall not submit any content:

·       that is known by you to be false, inaccurate or misleading;

·       that infringes any third party’s copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret or other proprietary rights or rights of publicity or privacy;

·       that violates any law, statute, ordinance or regulation (including, but not limited to, those governing export control, consumer protection, unfair competition, anti-discrimination or false advertising);

·       that is, or may reasonably be considered to be, defamatory, libelous, hateful, racially or religiously biased or offensive, unlawfully threatening or unlawfully harassing to any individual, partnership or corporation;

·       for which you were compensated or granted any consideration by any third party;

·       that includes any information that references other websites, addresses, email addresses, contact information or phone numbers; or

·       that contains any computer viruses, worms or other potentially damaging computer programs or files.

You agree to indemnify and hold Atoloans (and its officers, directors, agents, subsidiaries, joint ventures, employees and third-party service providers, including but not limited to Bazaarvoice, Inc.), harmless from all claims, demands, and damages (actual and consequential) of every kind and nature, known and unknown including reasonable attorneys’ fees, arising out of a breach of your representations and warranties set forth above, or your violation of any law or the rights of a third party.

For any content that you submit on Atoloans.com, Facebook, Twitter or any similar Atoloans social media property, you grant Atoloans a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, transferable right and license to use, copy, modify, delete in its entirety, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from and/or sell and/or distribute such content and/or incorporate such content into any form, medium or technology throughout the world without compensation to you.

All content that you submit may be used at Atoloans’s sole discretion. Atoloans reserves the right to change, condense or delete any content on Atoloans’s website or social media property that Atoloans deems, in its sole discretion, to violate the content guidelines or any other provision of these Terms of Use. Atoloans does not guarantee that you will have any recourse through Atoloans to edit or delete any content you have submitted. For the ratings and reviews service, ratings and written comments are generally posted within two to four business days. Atoloans reserves the right to remove or to refuse to post any submission for any reason. You acknowledge that you, not Atoloans, are responsible for the contents of your submission. None of the content that you submit shall be subject to any obligation of confidence on the part of Atoloans, its agents, subsidiaries, affiliates, partners or third party service providers and their respective directors, officers and employees.

By submitting content or submitting your email address in connection with your rating and review, you agree that Atoloans and its third party service providers or the entity being reviewed may use your email address to contact you about the status of your review and other administrative purposes.


Consent Agreement for Electronic Disclosures and Communications from Atoloans

Please read this information carefully and print a copy and/or retain this information for future reference.

Introduction. You are submitting a request to be matched with Atoloans. Atoloans will provide you with competitive loan offers from lenders, brokers and/or investors. Atoloans’s services are free to the consumer and are wholly completed online. Please see the "Terms of Use Agreement, incorporated herein by reference, for additional information, definitions and terms. Atoloans can only provide you the benefits of its services by conducting its business electronically. In order to do this, we need your consent to provide you with certain disclosures, notices and other communications (“Disclosures and Communications”) in connection with your loan inquiry ("Loan Inquiry").

Electronic Disclosures and Communications. Disclosures and Communications will be provided to you (and on behalf of any individual designated by you) electronically either via your designated email address and/or posted to your MyAccount established through www.Atoloans.com. However, if you wish to obtain a paper copy of any legally required disclosure, you may write to Atoloans, Disclosure Request, 44 E. Front Street

Watsonville, CA 95076 with the details of your request. Paper copies will be provided to you at no charge.

Scope of Consent. Your consent to receive Disclosures and Communications and to do business electronically, and our agreement to do so, applies to this Loan Inquiry with Atoloans and its participating Network of Lenders.

Consenting to Do Business Electronically. Before you decide to do business electronically with Atoloans, you should consider whether you have the required hardware and software capabilities described below.

Hardware and Software Requirements. To access and retain the Disclosures and Communications electronically, you will need to use the following computer software and hardware:

·       Internet access with 128-bit encryption

·       Adobe Acrobat Reader 6 or higher

·       Ability to Print

·       Internet Explorer 8 or higher

·       Email Access

·       Firefox version 3.6 or higher

Withdrawing Consent. Because Atoloans will provide the Disclosures and Communications to you instantaneously, you will not be able to withdraw your consent to do business electronically with Atoloans during the Loan Inquiry process. However, after your Loan Inquiry is submitted, you may withdraw your consent to do business electronically in connection with your Loan Inquiry with Atoloans at no cost to you. If you choose to withdraw your consent in connection with your Loan Inquiry, you can receive future Disclosures and Communications in paper form, by U.S. mail at no charge to you by contacting 1-877-958-9808, by managing your Account Settings through MyAccount or in writing at the address provided above. If you decide to withdraw your consent, the legal validity and enforceability of electronic Disclosures and Communications previously provided to you will not be affected.

Changes to Your Contact Information. You should keep us informed of any change in your email or U.S. postal mailing address. You may contact Atoloans Customer Care by telephone at 1-831-420-8902 regarding any such changes.

Download this document in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format.




Widget Terms of Use Agreement

Atoloans, LLC ("Atoloans", "we", "our") provides the Widgets pursuant to these terms and conditions ("Agreement"). By accessing and using any Widget (including copying any Widget html code), you agree to be bound by the following:

1.         You may only display the Widget(s) on a website you own and operate and not in any other manner or in any other medium.

2.         You may not modify any Widget. Without limitation, you may not change any code provided by Atoloans, obscure or disable any element of any Widget, tag links to Atoloans from the Widget with a "nofollow" attribute or otherwise prevent or discourage search engines from following or scoring link.

3.         Except for displaying the Widget, you agree not to make any representations, warranties (express or implied) or other statements concerning Atoloans, www.Atoloans.com or any other website owned and operated by Atoloans (collectively, the "Site"), the lenders on our Site, or any of the products offered by Atoloans or its network of lenders through our Site;

4.         You may not display any Widget in any manner that implies affiliation with, sponsorship or endorsement by Atoloans.

5.         You must place the Widget on a page that is context-appropriate to the content of the Widget, and any reference to Atoloans or its products and services must be accurate. For example, you may place Widgets on pages of your web site that contain a discussion of personal finance, mortgages or residential real estate but pages containing adult or pornographic content would not be context-appropriate.

6.         You may not place the Widget on any site that contains any content that is in any way unlawful, harmful, obscene, harassing, or racially, ethnically, or otherwise objectionable. Additionally, you may not place the Widget on any site that disparages Atoloans or its products or services, the products/services of lenders on our network, infringes any Atoloans intellectual property or other rights, or violates any applicable law.

7.         Atoloans grants you a non-transferable, non-exclusive, revocable right to download/display the Widget solely in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and (ii) solely in connection with the Widget, to use our logos, trademarks, trade names and other intellectual property contained in the Widget. This Agreement does not grant you any right in any Atoloans code, content, logos or trademarks beyond the limited permission to display the Widget granted herein. Atoloans reserves the right at any time to terminate or modify your permission to display the Widget. The Widgets are subject to change from time to time in our sole discretion. We may cease to return content from the Widget at any time in our sole discretion.

8.         You acknowledge and agree that Atoloans may crawl or otherwise monitor your web site to confirm compliance with this Agreement.


10.  Atoloans reserves the right to change this Agreement in its sole discretion at any time without notice, and you are responsible for regularly reviewing this Agreement. Your continued use of any Widget after the effective date of such changes will constitute acceptance of, and agreement to, any such changes.


Atoloans Product & Privacy Policy

Last Updated and Effective: October 1, 2024

Notice to California Residents (Click to learn more about your California Privacy Rights and for our Notice of Collection of Personal Information).

Consumer Privacy Disclosure

This Product & Privacy Policy (the “Policy”) applies to www.Atoloans.com and all websites and mobile apps owned and operated by Atoloans, LLC, and its subsidiaries (collectively, “Atoloans”, “us”, “we”, or “our”) (such websites and apps may be referred to collectively as “Site(s)” or “Platform Services”). This Policy also applies to our “Powered by Atoloans” suite of products and services that allows businesses (“Product Partners”) the ability to integrate Atoloans services or features within their own websites (such services may be referred to as “Product Services,” and together with Platform Services, “Services”). We provide these Product Services to our Product Partners pursuant to platform integration agreements and Development Documentation (collectively, “Agreements”). Please read below, and learn how we collect, protect, share, and use your information as part of our technology platforms and all of our products and services.

Information We Collect

1.         Identifying Information: We collect information that could identify you such as your name, address, telephone number, mobile number, email address, and Social Security Number. We may collect this type of information from you about others, including co-borrowers. We may also collect additional information, such as demographic information, as directed by our Product Partners.

2.         Financial Information: We may collect your credit history, credit scores, transaction history, and credit products, rates, and payments in the course of processing an inquiry or application for our financial company partners’ products or services. For additional information relating to your choices about financial information specifically, see our Consumer Privacy Disclosure.

3.         Other Information: We collect information such as demographic data, data about your online activity, and other information that is not used to identify you.

How We Collect Information

1.         Information provided by you: We collect information from you when you enter it or otherwise provide it in connection with an inquiry into, or use of, our Services. This information could be provided via an online form, over the phone, or via other means through which you interact with our Services.

2.         Information from third parties: We collect information from lenders and other third parties in our network that provide products and services you request or that may be of interest to you (collectively, “Network Partners,” and together with Product Partners, “Partners”), as well as credit bureaus, lead generators, and other service providers. These third parties may provide data on your financial profile, home, or other demographic information, as well as your interactions with these third parties. We may collect information from our Product Partners, including via Product Partners’ websites and our technology, such as APIs and SDKs.

3.         Information from cookies and other tracking technologies: We use cookies, web beacons, and similar technologies to record your preferences, marketing email responses, track the use of our Services, and collect information. This information may include internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser type, internet service provider (ISP), referring/exit pages, operating system, date/time stamp, and/or clickstream data. We may combine this automatically collected log information with other information we collect about you. You may choose to set your web browser to refuse cookies or to alert you when cookies are being sent. If you do so, note that some parts of our Sites may not function properly.

How We Use Information

We may use collected information to:

1.         Deliver the products and services you request and customize your user experience.

2.         Communicate with you about products or services that may be of interest to you.

3.         Improve our Sites and customer service.

4.         Operate and manage our business and develop our platform.

5.         Exercise our rights and obligations under our Agreements.

6.         Create anonymized or aggregated data that does not identify Partners or consumers.

7.         Comply with applicable laws, regulations, and legal requests.

8.         Prevent or detect fraud or other misuse.

How We Share Your Information

1.         Atoloans Affiliates: We may share information about you or provided by you with Atoloans affiliates.

2.         Network and Product Partners: When you submit an inquiry or use a Service provided through our Sites or through our Product Services, you direct Atoloans to share information about you or provided by you with our Partners. PLEASE NOTE: The Partners that interact with you may retain or use your information whether or not you use their services, and their privacy and information-sharing practices are set forth in, and governed by, their respective privacy policies. Pursuant to the contracts between Atoloans and its Partners, if you select a Partner through our Services, Atoloans may receive information about you from that Partner including, but not limited to, the amount or disposition of your loan and other details about your interactions with our Services. Atoloans and its Partners may exchange information about you, your loan terms, and your account(s) in order to provide you with information about financial services and products. Atoloans may maintain this information to assist with litigation, regulatory requests, law enforcement requests, internal analytics, marketing purposes, and any other legally permissible purpose.

3.         Financial Companies: We may share information about you with other financial companies with whom we engage in joint marketing efforts or who offer financial-related products or services that may be of interest to you. These companies’ privacy and information-sharing practices are set forth in, and governed by, their respective privacy policies.

4.         Other Business Partners: We may share information about you with other business partners that offer products and services that may be of interest to you. Their privacy and information-sharing practices are set forth in, and governed by, their respective privacy policies.

5.         Atoloans Service Providers: We may share information with service providers that perform certain services on our behalf including, but not limited to, credit bureaus, marketing partners, or entities providing business analysis or website or product support.

6.         Other Situations: We may share information about you or provided by you at our sole discretion:

a.          In response to a subpoena or similar investigative demand, court order, request for cooperation from a law enforcement agency, self-regulatory body, or other governmental agency; to establish or exercise our legal rights; to defend against legal claims; or as we reasonably believe is required by law. In such cases, we may raise or waive any legal objection or right available to us.

b.         When we believe disclosure is appropriate in order to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding actual or suspected illegal activity or other wrongdoing; to protect and defend the rights, property, or safety of the Atoloans business, our users, our employees, or others; or to enforce our Site’s terms and conditions or other agreements or policies.

c.          In connection with a substantial corporate transaction involving the Atoloans business, such as a sale of Atoloans or any entity, brand, or division thereof, a divestiture, merger, consolidation, asset sale, or bankruptcy.

d.         In connection with state or federal licensing requirements regarding the reporting of information contained in the loan inquiries we receive from you. You authorize Atoloans to obtain any and all required information from the entities with whom you have interacted with in connection with Atoloans in order for Atoloans to comply with current laws and regulations as well as with any requests from state or federal regulators. This information could include, but is not necessarily limited to, the loan you selected and the terms of the loan you selected.

e.         We may share information with third parties that is not personally identifying, such as aggregated or anonymized data that does not identify you or our Partners, in our discretion, where not prohibited by law.

Cookies and Do Not Track

As part of providing our Platform Services, we may use cookies and other technologies such as web beacons and pixels to collect information about your online activities over time and across third-party websites or online services or that may allow a third party to track your online activities over time and across different sites when you use the Sites. The Sites may not respond to Do-Not-Track requests or headers from some or all browsers.

Marketing and Communications

1.         Communications: You may adjust your communications preferences through your My Atoloans profile. You may modify your preferences by clicking on an unsubscribe link at the bottom of certain emails sent from Atoloans.

2.         Information from third parties: We may use third-party tracking technology. This technology allows targeted advertisements to you from Atoloans businesses. Please review the “Online Tracking and Opt-Out Guide” section of this Policy below for a detailed list of choices on how to opt out of ad targeting.

Updating and Accessing Your Information

The appropriate method(s) for accessing your information, if any, will depend on which Site or Service you have used. Depending on the respective Site or Service, you may have the ability to view or edit some of your information online using the respective Site or Service’s interface. If you have submitted a loan inquiry through us, you can update your information by contacting our Customer Care Department at rob@Atoloans.com.
Our address is 44 E. Front Street, Watsonville, CA 95076.

How We Protect Your Information

We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural measures designed to safeguard your information from unauthorized access and disclosure. No system can be completely secure. Therefore, although we take steps to secure your information, we cannot guarantee that your information, searches, or other communication will always remain secure.

Changes to this Policy

Atoloans has the discretion to update this Policy at any time. When we do so, we will revise the date at the top of this page. We encourage you to frequently check this page for any changes to stay informed about how we are helping to protect the information we collect. By using our Site or Services, you acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review this Policy periodically and become aware of modifications.

Use of Services from Outside the United States

The Site is designed to provide services in the United States. Our Services are governed by the laws of the United States and are intended for use by consumers connected to the internet from a physical location within the United States only. We make no representation that our Services are governed by, or operated in accordance with, the laws of any other nation.

Compliance with Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule

Our Services are not intended for individuals under 18 years of age, and we do not knowingly collect personal information from individuals under age 18. If we learn we have collected or received personal information from a person under age 18 without verification of parental consent, we will delete the information. Contact us to notify us that we might have any information from or about a person under age 18.

Atoloans ChatBot Disclosure

Our Atoloans chat bot is enabled by Microsoft Bot Framework. The Microsoft Bot Framework is a set of web services that enables intelligent services and connections using conversation channels you authorize. As a service provider, Microsoft will transmit content you provide to our bot/service in order to enable the service. For more information about Microsoft privacy policies please see their privacy statement here: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=521839. In addition, your interactions with this bot/service are subject to the conversational channel’s applicable terms of use, privacy, and data collection policies. To report abuse when using a bot that uses the Microsoft Bot Framework, please visit the Microsoft Bot Framework website at https://www.botframework.com and use the “Report Abuse” link in the menu to contact Microsoft.

Online Tracking Opt-Out Guide

Like many companies online, we use services provided by Google, Facebook, and other companies that use tracking technology. These services rely on tracking technologies, such as cookies and web beacons, to collect information directly from your device about your browsing activities, your interactions with websites, and the device you are using to connect to the Internet. There are a number of ways to opt out of having your online activity and device data collected through these services, which are summarized below:

1.         Blocking cookies in your browser. Most browsers let you remove or reject cookies, including cookies used for interest-based advertising. To do this, follow the instructions in your browser settings. Many browsers accept cookies by default until you change your settings. For more information about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set on your device and how to manage and delete them, visit www.allaboutcookies.org.

2.         Blocking advertising ID use in your mobile settings. Your mobile device settings may provide functionality to limit the use of the advertising ID associated with your mobile device for interest-based advertising purposes.

3.         Using privacy plug-ins or browsers. You can block our Sites from setting cookies used for interest-based ads by using a browser with privacy features, like Brave, or installing browser plugins like Privacy Badger, Ghostery, or uBlock Origin, and configuring them to block third-party cookies/trackers.

4.         Platform opt-outs. The following advertising partners offer opt-out features that let you opt out of the use of your information for interest-based advertising:Google: https://adssettings.google.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/about/ads

Twitter: https://twitter.com/personalization

5.         Advertising industry opt-out tools. You can also use these opt-out options to limit use of your information for interest-based advertising by participating companies:Digital Advertising Alliance: http://optout.aboutads.info

Network Advertising Initiative: http://optout.networkadvertising.org/?c=1

Note that because these opt-out mechanisms are specific to the device or browser on which they are exercised, you will need to opt out on every browser and device you use.

How to Contact Us. If you have questions about this Policy, the practices of any Atoloans business, or your dealings with a Atoloans business, please contact us at:

Compliance Officer
44 E. Front Street

Watsonville, CA 95076




We are required by the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“CCPA”) to provide this CCPA Notice to California residents to explain how we collect, use, and share their personal information, and the rights and choices we offer California residents regarding our handling of their personal information.

CCPA Scope and Exclusions

This CCPA Notice, including the description of our Privacy Practices and your Privacy Rights, apply only to California residents whose interactions with us are limited to:

1.         Visiting our consumer websites,

2.         Signing up for email alerts,

3.         Commenting on or contributing to our blogs,

4.         Establishing an account that does not include financial products or services, or

5.         Applying for our job openings on our websites (however, note that the CCPA limits some of the privacy rights for job applicants).

This CCPA Notice does not apply to the personal information we collect, use, or disclose about:

1.         Consumers who initiate or complete the process of applying for financial products or services. This is because this information is subject to the federal Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (“GLBA”) and implementing regulations, or the California Financial Information Privacy Act (“FIPA”), or Representatives of businesses that seek to obtain our products or services, or to provide products or services to us. For additional information relating to your choices about this information specifically, see our Consumer Privacy Disclosure.

Privacy Practices

We do not sell personal information. As we explain in our Privacy Policy:

We use cookies and other tracking technologies to analyze website traffic and facilitate advertising. If you would like to learn how you may opt out of our (and our third-party advertising partners’) use of cookies and other tracking technologies, please review the instructions provided in the Online Tracking and Opt-out Guide.

How you interact with us

Personal information collection

CCPA-defined categories

Sources of personal information

Purposes for which we may collect and use the personal information


Sign up for email alerts

Interact with our blogs

Establish an account

Name or alias

Email address


Online identifiers




Research and development


Shared with service providers

Made public at your direction

Visit our websites

Receive and respond to marketing emails

Device data

Online activity data

Information derived from device data and online activity data



Internet or Network Information

Online identifiers

Automatic collection





Research and development

Collected directly by or shared with our service providers

Collected directly by advertising partners

Apply for our open positions on our website

Contact information


credentials and skills

Educational and work history

Other resume data you provide

Diversity information you voluntarily provide

Disability information where necessary


Online identifiers

Educational information

Professional or employment information

Protected classification characteristics



Background check and/or drug testing companies

Employment agencies or recruiters

Facilitate recruitment activities

Process employment applications

Monitoring recruitment statistics

Shared with service providers

Collected directly by or shared with background check and drug testing companies

Please note that we may also disclose personal information as described in the “How We Share Your Information” section of the Policy.

Privacy Rights

The CCPA grants individuals the following rights:

1.         Information. You can request information about how we have collected, used, and shared your personal information during the past 12 months.

2.         Access. You can request a copy of the personal information that we maintain about you.

3.         Deletion. You can ask us to delete the personal information that we collected or maintained about you.

Please note that the CCPA limits these rights by, for example, prohibiting us from providing certain sensitive information in response to an access request and limiting the circumstances in which we must comply with a deletion request. We will respond to requests for information and access only to the extent we are able to associate with a reasonable effort the information we maintain with the identifying details you provide in your request. If we deny your request, we will communicate our decision to you. You are entitled to exercise the rights described above free from discrimination.

How to Submit a Request
To request access to or deletion of personal information:
Call: 1-831-420-8902

Email: rob@Atoloans.com

Identity verification. The CCPA requires us to verify the identity of the individual submitting a request to access or delete personal information before providing a substantive response to the request. We will ask you to verify your identity when you submit a request.

Authorized agents. California residents can empower an “authorized agent” to submit a request on their behalf. We will require the authorized agent to have a written authorization confirming that authority.

Notice of Collection of Personal Information. We list the categories of your information that we collect and the business and commercial purposes for our use as described in the detailed chart above.